have to complete within 3 day from the order date, please contacr us in advance in case of delay in payment.
Otherwise, we will cancel the order without prior notice.
We only accept the following options for payment: -
• Maybank/Maybank2u ( Ac No:107358-084742 , Gow choon siong )
• Pubilc bank/internet banking (Ac No:4-9602439-24 , Gow choon ping )
If using Maybank2u, please include pinpin992@gmail.com as the 3rd Party Email Address.
SMS 012-5510423
Please provide the following details after payment made to avoid delay in delivery. No safetrade please!
1) Full Name
2) Mailing Address and contact number
3) Payment amount & bank in date/time
4) Payment Mode : Internet transfer( From which bank?)/ Counter/ Cash Deposit Machine/
5) Product code (To final confirmation)

i) Maybank 107358-084742(网上银行转帐/银行现金汇款)
收款人:Gow choon siong
ii) Public Bank 4-9602439-24(网上银行转帐/银行现金汇款)
收款人:Gow choon ping
3) 当客户完成付款后,请SMS 012-5510423 通知我们和给我们收據號碼及汇款时间。